Traveling Salesman Problem Solutions

  • Developed a comprehensive suite of 6 algorithms to tackle the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), a classic NP-hard optimization challenge:

    • Brute Force
    • Nearest Neighbor (Greedy Algorithm)
    • Christofides Algorithm
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Genetic Algorithm
    • Linear Programming Relaxation
  • Implemented the entire project in C++, leveraging the Standard Template Library (STL) and Boost Graph Library to ensure efficient data structures and graph operations.
  • Designed the algorithms to effectively solve TSP instances with moderately sized graphs, balancing performance and scalability.
  • Conducted comparative analysis of algorithm performance across various graph sizes and complexities, providing insights into trade-offs between solution quality and computational efficiency.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in advanced algorithm design, optimization techniques, and C++ programming, while gaining practical experience in solving real-world combinatorial optimization problems.


  • C++ STL
  • Unix CLI

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